Model IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Prompt: Process Diagram

Model IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Prompt: Process Diagram

The diagram below gives information about the recycling of glass and plastic containers.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Model Essay

This flowchart shows the differences and similarities in the life cycles of glass and plastic containers, from creation and use to recycling and re-creation.

This diagram reveals both similarities and differences in the way that plastic and glass goods are made, recycled, and then made anew. The processes have more differences than similarities, but there are some more significant differences in the earlier stages of the recycling process.

The initial collection and transport of both goods are the same. However, after that, glass is sorted by color and may then be immediately crushed, while plastic is sorted by quality and must be bundled before it can be shredded.

Once the glass is crushed and the plastic is shredded, the processes become more similar again. At this point, both the glass and plastic pieces are washed, and then melted and reshaped into new products. These final steps are nearly identical, although the melting and reshaping of the glass must be done by two separate machines rather than one.

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