Writing Task-1

 Writing Task-1 

Writing Task-1
Writing Task-1 

For IELTS writing task 1, you need to write a summary of at least 150 words in response to a particular graph (bar, line or pie graph), table, chart, or process (how something works, how to do something) the wanted. In the writing task, 1 examiner tests your ability to select and report the main features of the given graph. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the important features and trends in factual information to describe and compare the data. It does not matter how good your English is, but you still need to learn some IELTS writing skills before you do a task. Here in the below-given section, we are going to give you some IELTS writing task 1 sample answers will help you to learn how to answer the Questions of  Writing Task 1 in IELTS with some tips that can be more beneficial for you.

1.  Model IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Prompt: Describe a Map

2.  Model IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Prompt: Process Diagram

3. The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children’s charity located in the USA spent and received in one year.

4. The two pie charts below show the online shopping sales for retail sectors in Canada in 2005 and 2010.

5. The given pie charts compare the expenses in 7 different categories in 1966 and 1996 by American Citizens.

6. The pie charts below show the average household expenditures in Japan and Malaysia in the year 2010.

7. The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing, and entertainment.

8. The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

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