Are you happy to be the age you are now? [Why/Why not?]
I’m a young person who has the health and strength to do many things in my life.
So, personally, I’m happy with my age because I feel can do as I wish.
I suppose that if I were old, I would no longer have so much energy and my body wouldn’t allow what my mind would try and tell it to do.
When you were a child, did you think a lot about your future? [Why/Why not?]
When I was a child, what I did was study because my parents demanded it and because it was normal that all children did it.
But what kept my head busy was gymnastics and playing. I think that when I was a child, I only thought about the present and I enjoyed it a lot.
Do you think you have changed as you have got older? [Why/Why not?]
I think we all change with the years and life experience, but in essence, we are always the same.
For example, when I was a child I loved to jump, run and play, and now that I am grown up if someone put me on an obstacle course, I would gladly and happily have a go at it even though I’m now an adult.
What will be different about your life in the future? [Why?]
It’s very difficult to know what things will change in the future because no one knows that.
But if something has to change it may be my current sports activities; I go running or to the gym.
And I guess as I get older I may still do these physical activities because I love them, but not as often or with the same intensity as I do now.